Monday, April 27, 2009

Git on the good foot

Get on down like a...

Whoo that was a good run for just the second one! It started bad though. I was in a hurried state of mind realizing it was getting dark, it looked like it would rain soon, I had no route still and I needed to fix my iPod/nike+ issue. Google maps showed me a possible track around the 'Peace Palace'. The 'palace' looks more like a church, is dedicated to peace and houses the International Crime Court and some other institutions dedicated to law. Unfortunately there seemed to be no nice way to run around it. So I decided to opt for a forest run in the nearby forest.

First I ran parallel to the forest for a while. After a long straight run I started feeling a bit of discomfort in my left shin. It was something like a cramp that was building up. Maybe it was caused by the tree trunks running under the tarmac causing uncomfortable bumps. Somehow I noticed that I started running unnatural, using my other leg more. I figured a bit stretching might help. Though Evy from the mp3 did not mention stretching. I always see many runners doing it so I figured it would not hurt to do it just a little bit. That helped!

After that I also needed a change of scenery and I took a turn into the 'woods'. It had been a long while since I was in a forest or anything that resembled it. When you have an allergy of trees, plants, flowers and such that does not seem inviting. However, it was great a green oasis. There was not a soul and no sign of my allergy. The run was good, I was eating trees so to speak. Though I felt my pace was slow making my muscles work extra hard. Maybe my next run will be a bit faster.

My training was announced to over just when my bike was in sight. Excellent, it looks like I've found my running grounds. There are many 'forks' in the road as well, so It seems there is enough variation for a while.

Speaking of trees, trunks and forks. Time to get geek. Last week I have been playing with Git. Git is an open source version tracking system. Basically it lets you track the contents of files. You get to see what changed, who changed it, change it back, label it with a version number and fork or branch it. I always felt I needed to know at least one version tracking system. And I recommend everybody who needs to track changes to files to give Git a chance.

I started out by first reading 'Pragmatic version control using Git, by Travis Swicegood'. This was a fine read, explained everything, nicely written, high value. recommend it. After that I found a few screencasts about git and git/hub. Github is a website where you can manage your git repositories and share and track code with from others. You can find me on github as well, it seems pretty cool and handy. But one thing to remember is that all your stuff will be shared publicly, unless you go for a paid account. The github screencast is from Pragmatic as well, but it's free. Then I found even more Git screencasts on gitcast.

Now I'm off to do some reading in my new-2nd hand 'Practical Ruby Gems' book which I stumbled upon and got for 10 euro's and get some sleep after that.


  1. Fixing the Nike+ would be a good plan. Great to read you are enjoying the runs! That's the way to get addicted.

  2. Addiction.. The endorphins are the reason we do it for (and for the great Adonical bodies of course).
